编辑:李恭新 时间:2023年02月06日 19:34 点击数: 来源: 文、图:赵顺毅

报告题目1A new overview of regional risk and resilience analysis


报告题目2Writing, Submission and Publication of Scientific Papers


报告人ProfessorPaolo Gardoni

线上 腾讯会议461-120-775


A new overview of regional risk and resilience analysis

Paolo Gardoni

Alfredo H. Ang Family Professor

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Abstract:Civil structures and infrastructure provide vital services that support and enable societal functions. Therefore, ensuring their reliability and prompt recovery is critical for the public’s well-being and economic prosperity. However, the consequences of past disasters around the world have raised concerns about the vulnerability of civil structures and infrastructure and have highlighted the significance of risk mitigation and management. The maintenance, repair, or replacement of existing vulnerable, deficient, and deteriorating structures and infrastructure represents a significant investment. To wisely invest the limited funding, it is crucial to use advanced risk analysis tools in the decision-making process. This presentation discusses a general formulation for regional risk and resilience analysis. The presentation explains how to conduct a regional risk and resilience analysis considering multiple hazards and different infrastructure, as well as the effects of deterioration and interdependencies among infrastructure. The presentation also shows how the physical damage to structures and infrastructure can be cascaded to predict the likelihood and duration of business interruption. The presentation concludes with an example of regional risk and resilience analysis considering a hypothetical earthquake in the New Madrid seismic zone.


Paolo Gardoni is the Alfredo H. Ang Family Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the journalReliability Engineering and System Safety, and the founder and former Editor-in-Chief of the journalSustainable and Resilient Infrastructure. His research interests include probabilistic mechanics; reliability, risk and life cycle analysis; decision-making under uncertainty; performance assessment of deteriorating systems; modeling of natural hazards and societal impact; ethical, social and legal dimensions of risk; optimal strategies for natural hazard mitigation and disaster recovery; and engineering ethics. Prof. Gardoni is the 2021 recipient of theAlfredo Ang Award on Risk Analysis and Management of Civil Infrastructurefrom the American Society of Civil Engineers for his contributions to risk, reliability, and resilience analysis, and his leadership in these fields


报告题目3FIR filtering: An alternative to Kalman filter


报告题目4How to Writing Academic Papers


报告人ProfessorYuriy S. Shmaliy, IEEE Fellow

线上 腾讯会议461-120-775



Yuriy S. Shmaliy received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in 1974, 1976 and 1982, respectively, from the Kharkiv Aviation Institute, Ukraine, all in Electrical Engineering. He received the D.Sc. degree from the Kharkiv Railroad Institute, Ukraine, in 1992.

He has been a Full Full Professor since 1986. From 1985 to 1999, he was

with the Kharkiv Military University. In 1992, he founded the Scientific Center ``Sichron" where he became a Director by 2002. Since 1999, he has been with the Universidad de Guanajuato

of Mexico and headed the Department of Electronics Engineering in this University

from 2012 to 2015. He has 385 journal and conference papers and 81 patents.

His books Continuous-Time Signals and Continuous-Time Systems (2007) was published by Springer. His book GPS-Based Optimal FIR Filtering of Clock Models (2009) was published by Nova Science Publication, New York. He was also a contributor of invited chapters to several books. His current interests include optimal estimation, statistical signal processing, and stochastic system theory. Dr. Shmaliy received the Royal Academy of Engineering Newton Research Collaboration Program Award in 2015. He is currently an Associate Editor and Editorial Board Member in several Journals.


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